The role assigned to the women ,generation after generation and they have accepted the custom of taking it silently as their fate. They even could not think any alternative way either. Men have snatched  dignity of women, women only reiterate  with tears brimming in eyes. Actually women should raise their voice against injustice they suffer.
Anger is our enemy within,so  handle your enemy with great care without involving and damaging self. Angry people are everywhere. People do not reveal themselves much with other people for pressing reasons . We must learn the art of living and skills to channelizing your inner energy,anger,moods, negativities- knowing how  to behave when angry. Women suffer the worst part of men's anger and accept it as their fate.
Do not unload your anger to your partner, know why it is there,it may be a sign of  inner changes-bodily or emotional, so take precautions instead of wasting your energies and going into depression and spoiling atmosphere at home or anywhere due to your anger.
In older time-the center of human personality was  heart and now it is brain and it is IT era,so much information's are loaded and everybody is confused about his choices.Certain development in technology and behavior pattern have effected mind body and heart balance. So old traditional methods have to be changed according to their applications as modern situation is different. Now brain has taken over so much of your being that it dominates you. Now you do not have time to spend with your family,what to talk of society.
 Laughing whole heartily? we have forget to laugh. Our brain is preoccupied and heart is always suppressed. You have to unburden heart and through baggage of mind. Only then the center of conscious is pushed lower to comes to the NAVAL. The NAVAL is source of  vitality,the seed source from which everything comes. Systematic methodology will not help you now. Neither chanting of Mantra's will help you as cooling down mind is impossible- for the time being -sort out a practical method for self as every method is not applicable for all. Different personalities need different methods,organic to a particular man, particular mind at different situations.
Now to balance body,heart and mind , we need different methods so motivational gurus are playing pivotal role as they give their valued suggestion to their clients with a personal touch,caring touch which everybody needs to cool down their anxieties and worries. Nobody is ready to take  everybody with him,as it was in the past era of joint families where older ones handle odd situations with their practical experiences and knowledge. To unite ties between family or group find the roots.
The pursuit of material prosperity blurs our vision,we all end up buying stress and create roadblocks to our goals where happiness remains a mirage despite all abundance we are poor in relations  we do not have anyone  close to us who can understand us. Everybody is busy in his own affairs. As human-being we love  bonding, we love to be loved.
Do not go on the first impression. Try to understand what is hidden deep down under the external veil. TURN YOUR DOOM INTO BLESSING AND FORTUNES,ALL IS IN OUR OWN HANDS SO DO NOT BLAME GOD.


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