Our loved one are parents,friends,relatives the list may includes many but conflicts with our loved ones is very natural and common thing as nobody has same thinking or point of view. But love is infinite, it is never created,we can channel it from its source of infinity,to all whom  we meet. The more we forget ourselves in giving it to others,the better we can understand what love really is. And the more love as channels for god's love, the more we can understand that his is the one love in the entire universe.Love others as extension of our own self and of love I feel from god. O finite one, make me a channel for thy love in barren hearts every where.
Everybody has his own perceptions and belief system,we cannot see truth so assume this or that might have happened and so on. Nothing is in our hand ,all is almighty will,surrender will relieve you,you feel oneness with god and peace followed by. Otherwise what we believe is truth is our notion and this is  enough to fuel a fight. Know  self to know others,actually we do not know self,our thoughts changed time to time so we change according to our thoughts. Is this not true?

When inner voice stops we feel inner peace.All will disappear soon, our thoughts will be  replaced soon,so that  was all lies. When you stop believing your own thoughts which are irrelevant,your life will be changed. The main lies is limited happiness. Love and happiness  have no limitations. This is absolute truth. Love is pure when you mix it with your liking or disliking it is not  love.

You will find as you look back upon your life that the moment when you have really lived are the moments when you have done thinks in a spirit of love.--Henry Drummond.

Napoleon_- It requires more courage to suffer than to die.-----     What is suffering? suffering is a blessing in disguise we are always afraid of sufferings and we do not want to suffer.However suffering is a means to realise our inner strength and examining evil karma.One should welcome it. People who do not like sufferings, suffer more so is it not better to enjoy whatever comes in your way as will of god.
Our life is what our thoughts make it.How people treat you is their Karma and how you react is yours. Harm no one and no one will harm you,realise nature of reality learn the art of distinguishing between permanent and the temporary,realise one substance's can not do more than become a catalyst for another substances modifications rely on it own Dharma or true nature. Do not run after pleasures, you stay in this world fleeting. An orderly life is the base for spiritual development.

He is creator and creation, just like the form of water can not be denied- god's grace is there for a to receive it just like a radio set can not catch the programme that is being broadcast unless it is  tuned into the right frequency similarly our mind's must benefit from god's grace. To remove the suffering try to become aware of the other's suffering and see it as our own,very soon, suffering itself will cease to exist. It is better to have enough ideas for some of them to be wrong than to be  always right by having no idea at all. Te me, who admires and loves you,I will tell who you are!


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