ARRANGING THE MEETING OF A SEED AND A FULL GROWN TREE: Osho  described that religion was its peak at the time of Buddha and now science is also coming to an ultimate peak. A seed cannot meet a tree for this seed has to become a tree only then in the clouds they can whisper to each other,can they fall in love with each other,can embrace each other. A seed can not have a dialogue with a full grown tree,it is impossible because seed will not know the language of tree and tree will not understand the language of the seed.
Religion has been in a mature state for almost 5.000 years.Science is still growing, coming to maturity. This is most precious time and you are fortunate to be alive today because something immensely great is going to happen--- and this is the meeting of science and religion,the meeting of East and West,the meeting of extrovert and introvert mind. Together science and religion will create  man who will be able to move easily into the extrovert world of religion. Just as you come out of house and move in garden and then back into the house,this action does not need more efforts. Moving outside and going into the house is easy,man will be able to move in science and religion, spiritually the future human will have as many  qualities same,spiritually they will never be labelled as men and women and that will be real liberation from labels,liberation from imprison categories,men and women will cease to be Hindu or Muslim or Christian as all will have a universal consciousness and the foundation will be laid by meeting of science and religion.


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