If you think of the wheel of the a clock face The clock hands form a straight line at six or twelve thirty That symbolises the potential for a strong exchange of energy, 'promises made with honour' and the people to whom they have been made. Put simply,as someone important to you now needs your help.If you don't put up a sail, how can you hope to catch the wind? You won't ever know what is in the well, unless you first lower your bucket.
 Too often, we stop ourselves before we have even started. We assess a situation from a distance. We decide, 'There probably isn't much hope of this happening.' And then we walk away, searching for clearer suggestions of easier pickings.  You have an opportunity to explore an option. The very act of making a real effort maybe sufficient to secure a pleasing result. Time, we are told by physicists and philosophers alike, is an illusion. It is as if we see ourselves travelling along a road. The past behind us, the future ahead. We can't go back, we can't go forward. We are stuck where we are. Or rather, where we were for, even since you started to read this forecast, time has moved on! Yet that may be completely the wrong way to look at the process. It and will show you why this represents particularly good news. Availing opportunities is good news itself! 


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