You can't just cut someone out of your life because they often seem to bring conflict or controversy with them, wherever they go. But you can make a decision not to encourage them or to become overly embroiled in the dramas that they seem to be creating. Politely but firmly, lovingly but clearly, you can keep a respectful and respectable distance from situations that could too easily escalate into disagreements, even stand-offs. Better to let neutrality be misinterpreted as bias than to join a campaign that's probably destined to fail.. You won't be able to find fault with many of the explanations you get or the promises that are made. But are you sympathising with sincerity or responding to rhetoric? Don't dismiss a suggestion, just because it's being presented in a suspiciously articulate fashion. Don't automatically give extra favour, either, to guttural grunts. But maybe try listening less and looking more. Look right into someone's eyes if you want to know what they are actually saying.


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