Which came first, the chicken or the egg?  The only questions to which you are never going to get a satisfactory answer( now or other time). Remember,When you have a specific goal and keep going till you reach it.Your life is not so much filled with confusion as it is with fertile chaos. But your doubts are pointing you toward greater awareness that you need to have faith in yourself.

 If you experience doubt, remember that your fears have rarely come true, and that you have consistently accomplished more than you thought you could.If you are in the right frame of mind, you can rattle through a crossword at great speed. But there are times when you can sit and stare at a puzzle for ages without solving a single clue. We can throw down our pens in despair convinced that we will never get any further.
Some short while later, perhaps after a hot drink and a change of scenery, we can revisit the challenge and watch everything fall into place.. It may have perplexed in tough times, our thoughts are supposed to turn to friends and loved ones. We are supposed to think fondly of them. We are not supposed to wonder why we ever let certain people into our lives. We are supposed to be full of enthusiasm for our involvements.


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