How are you coping with so much pressure? Don't you feel as if you're being torn in two, wrestling with divided loyalties, trying to reconcile deeply opposing forces and factors? Try to take the long-term view. You need to because, although a decisive development is imminent, and even though it will be one you can comfortably 'live with', the ongoing repercussions of your drama will last for some while to come. But really, this needn't be a problem. What's happening is right. What's changing is what needs to change.When the going gets tough, the tough go and live somewhere more peaceful. Only the weak stay where they are and just accept the situation as it is. Only the not-very-tough rise to the fight. The truly tough recognise that the best battles are fought with subtlety. It is very tempting now to get further into an argument or to strive for what appears to be something that's just out of reach. Why bother going to all that effort? Easier, yet just as rewarding, options are on offer. Be tough enough now to tread softly..What, precisely, is it that you simply can't contemplate? Why is it that you don't even want to think about this one particular idea? I'm not suggesting here, that you ought to consider anything unpleasant or morally indefensible. Of course you can't contemplate THAT. But are you not rather hastily putting something else into this category. If it's merely difficult or unusual or superficially unattractive, you should look at it more closely and at least see if there's not some way to make it better. An inspired solution is near.
How are you coping with so much pressure? Don't you feel as if you're being torn in two, wrestling with divided loyalties, trying to reconcile deeply opposing forces and factors? Try to take the long-term view. You need to because, although a decisive development is imminent, and even though it will be one you can comfortably 'live with', the ongoing repercussions of your drama will last for some while to come. But really, this needn't be a problem. What's happening is right. What's changing is what needs to change.When the going gets tough, the tough go and live somewhere more peaceful. Only the weak stay where they are and just accept the situation as it is. Only the not-very-tough rise to the fight. The truly tough recognise that the best battles are fought with subtlety. It is very tempting now to get further into an argument or to strive for what appears to be something that's just out of reach. Why bother going to all that effort? Easier, yet just as rewarding, options are on offer. Be tough enough now to tread softly..What, precisely, is it that you simply can't contemplate? Why is it that you don't even want to think about this one particular idea? I'm not suggesting here, that you ought to consider anything unpleasant or morally indefensible. Of course you can't contemplate THAT. But are you not rather hastily putting something else into this category. If it's merely difficult or unusual or superficially unattractive, you should look at it more closely and at least see if there's not some way to make it better. An inspired solution is near.