Are you seeking sense and sanity? What chance do you think there really is of ever finding that? This is planet Earth, home of the crazed and the crazy. This is a world where everyone pretends to be sensible, even when they're being wildly ridiculous. We fancy ourselves at being good at logic. We have explanations for just about everything. They work well, as long as you don't look at them too closely. Don't spend time attempting to attain the unattainable. Just enjoy all that's good. There's more of that than you may think.
Let's discuss the balancing act that you are currently struggling to accomplish. The object of getting a balance is not necessarily to stay in one place. If you can get it and maintain it, you can really start to move! Think of cars, planes or even space rockets. Weight distribution is a crucial factor in the successful design of such vehicles. They can go a long way if everything is in the right place. Despite your current concerns, you now benefit from a cosmic climate that is allowing you to prepare yourself well for a great journey.
Are there fairies at the bottom of your garden? How can you tell? Fairies hide from even the most sensitive humans. You can only, really, say 'no' if you don't happen to have a garden. Even so, there may still be fairies in your window box. Granted, as you are unlikely ever to see a fairy, it's unwise to hinge your plans on meeting one and being granted wishes. In the absence of such a solution, you'd best make a more practical move. But, if only to be fair to fairies, don't rule out the chance of magic in your emotional life soon.
We are not islands. We do not stand alone. We all breathe the same air. We all drink water from the same ocean. We live on the same tiny ball of rock that spins relentlessly as it hurtles through space. Our deeds affect one another... and so too, in only a slightly more subtle way, do our thoughts. Who is now really driving the decision that you find yourself in the process of making? You are about to learn more about the hidden influences that are acting upon you. That will help you gain great strength.