Time for a candid conversation. Time to put cards on tables and hearts on sleeves. Time to tell it like it is, not how you wish it were or how you think it ought to be. Time, not just to talk but to listen. Really listen - with both of your ears and all of your heart. Someone wants to tell you something. They are not intending to lead you down a blind alley or confuse you with conflicting statements. They just need you to know how the world looks from their viewpoint. You need to know this too. Brave sharing will lead to deeper caring.
Most people seem to worry far more about wasting money than they do about wasting time. Which of these two commodities, though, is really the most precious? Yet while it is undoubtedly possible to squander cash, it is much more arguable whether time can ever be truly misused. You've lately been worrying more than you need to about what's the right thing to do in a sensitive situation.
Is a blade a good thing, a bad thing - or a dangerous thing? It all depends on what use it is being put to. We can say something similar about certainty. In one way, it keeps us sharp. If we don't have faith in what we know, we can't operate effectively or speak with authority. But if we never doubt ourselves, we never evolve or learn. Uncertainty is uncomfortable. None of us like to feel it for too long. Lately, though, it has been appropriate for you to explore a doubt. Soon, you will return to a state of quieter clarity.
'Give your hearts, but not into each other's keeping. For only the hand of life can contain your hearts. And stand together, yet not too near together: For the pillars of the temple stand apart. And the oak tree and the cypress grow not in each other's shadow.' So said my favourite poet, Kahlil Gibran, on the topic of relationship. There's a lot to be said for a little space! Your involvement with a certain individual now needs to deepen and strengthen. And soon, as long you give each other enough respect, it will.
Most people seem to worry far more about wasting money than they do about wasting time. Which of these two commodities, though, is really the most precious? Yet while it is undoubtedly possible to squander cash, it is much more arguable whether time can ever be truly misused. You've lately been worrying more than you need to about what's the right thing to do in a sensitive situation.
Is a blade a good thing, a bad thing - or a dangerous thing? It all depends on what use it is being put to. We can say something similar about certainty. In one way, it keeps us sharp. If we don't have faith in what we know, we can't operate effectively or speak with authority. But if we never doubt ourselves, we never evolve or learn. Uncertainty is uncomfortable. None of us like to feel it for too long. Lately, though, it has been appropriate for you to explore a doubt. Soon, you will return to a state of quieter clarity.
Our worst enemies are often the people who used to be our friends. Sometimes, too, though, our best friends can be the people who used to be our enemies. If you can overcome a hurdle of tension and build a bridge across the chasm of conflict, you can create a bond with amazing strength. Think of, 'acquired tastes'. Remember the foods you had to learn to like. We value most the things we have fought hardest to attain. Lately, you have gone through a difficult struggle. You may be about to see what the point of it really was.
You don't want to seem silly. You don't want to reach for what you may never be able to get hold of. You don't want to set your sights too high. But how are things ever going to change if you are willing to accept the status quo? What's so wrong with a bit of ambition? Must a plan be perfectly formed in every way before it is put into action? Can't you just declare an intention, set off in what surely must be the right direction and see how far you get? Allow an adventure to begin in your emotional life now.
You don't want to seem silly. You don't want to reach for what you may never be able to get hold of. You don't want to set your sights too high. But how are things ever going to change if you are willing to accept the status quo? What's so wrong with a bit of ambition? Must a plan be perfectly formed in every way before it is put into action? Can't you just declare an intention, set off in what surely must be the right direction and see how far you get? Allow an adventure to begin in your emotional life now.
These days, when we visit even the smallest grocery stores, we find shelves packed full of energy drinks. The world, it seems, is addicted to such potions. If you're running on empty, they'll make your exhausted reserves last longer. But they take their toll, especially when used too often. Your faith offers you all the stamina and strength you need, with none of the downside. Unless, that is, you race too far ahead at moments when it might be wiser to rest, relax and wait a while!