Engaging with the "present moment" -- all that neo-Buddhist stuff is mundane, but in my experience, much more liberating than the secrets and tricks. Great big waves are neat, but the wetness of the water is everyplace.a lot of times, you are just like you are now. Only with absolutely nothing to DO Boredom is essential alarm-bell,it helps check some of the over-enthusiasm of magical thinking. At some point, fascination with an object, person, sensation disappears.
We spent our life either desiring things or not desire things.It's heartening, maybe even enlightening, to see that we can get bored of just about anything, no matter how great it is.I've sometimes had the impression that spirituality is something far away, esoteric, exotic and secret. When I feel bored, I'm thrilled that I've had the space to feel it.Boredom is also a privilege. Its presence means your essential needs are taken care of, even your essential wants are taken care of. What percentage of people in the world even have the luxury of boredom?
Let's get real and get grateful. Normally, when we're bored, Our minds and our bodies fight desperately to push the boredom away, sometimes restlessly, other times angrily, and sometimes with an apathy that makes life seem barely worth living. Then again, sometimes it's just irritating. And this is exactly why we're bored: because we're trying so hard not to be.achieve, outshine, succeed, enrich, that boredom itself becomes a luxury. Because boredom is really restlessness. Boredom is not about the lack of interesting things going on.
Boredom is about too much energy,In other words, most of us have boredom exactly backwards. Our minds are so conditioned to be always busy and interested, that when there's nothing interesting (we think), we get really irritable. Sometimes maybe even nervous. In any case, the usual response to boredom is to put in something interesting, to get rid of it. Fourth, being with boredom can literally change your brain. According to the neuroscientists, meditation forms new neural pathways, which in experiential terms means changing the way your "gut reaction" responds to stimuli. For years, you've been conditioned to tense up when your boss comes over. No amount of talking yourself out of it will work. But since meditation changes the structure of the brain, it can work.
Boredom is a pretty moderate form of unpleasantness, so it's the perfect place to practice and build these new relationships.Life suddenly gets very boring. Nothing to do, nowhere to go. But remember, boredom is restlessness. It's wanting something to be different. So let that go too. What's left? Well, I'll leave it to you to enjoy. Really, it is what it is, which is what- is said. back there at the burning bush, and wise people have said around foliage for thousands of years. Tibetan Buddhist texts speak of this state as "old man, basking in the sun" because it's just vast awareness, with no agenda. It's where you go when you get bored, more bored, and then finally allow yourself to get so bored that you don't want anything other than this lovely blissful boredom, peaceful, quiet, radiant awareness, mirror-like mind, gazing, gaping, just hanging there, doing nothing, non-seeking, non-desiring.
We spent our life either desiring things or not desire things.It's heartening, maybe even enlightening, to see that we can get bored of just about anything, no matter how great it is.I've sometimes had the impression that spirituality is something far away, esoteric, exotic and secret. When I feel bored, I'm thrilled that I've had the space to feel it.Boredom is also a privilege. Its presence means your essential needs are taken care of, even your essential wants are taken care of. What percentage of people in the world even have the luxury of boredom?
Let's get real and get grateful. Normally, when we're bored, Our minds and our bodies fight desperately to push the boredom away, sometimes restlessly, other times angrily, and sometimes with an apathy that makes life seem barely worth living. Then again, sometimes it's just irritating. And this is exactly why we're bored: because we're trying so hard not to be.achieve, outshine, succeed, enrich, that boredom itself becomes a luxury. Because boredom is really restlessness. Boredom is not about the lack of interesting things going on.
Boredom is about too much energy,In other words, most of us have boredom exactly backwards. Our minds are so conditioned to be always busy and interested, that when there's nothing interesting (we think), we get really irritable. Sometimes maybe even nervous. In any case, the usual response to boredom is to put in something interesting, to get rid of it. Fourth, being with boredom can literally change your brain. According to the neuroscientists, meditation forms new neural pathways, which in experiential terms means changing the way your "gut reaction" responds to stimuli. For years, you've been conditioned to tense up when your boss comes over. No amount of talking yourself out of it will work. But since meditation changes the structure of the brain, it can work.
Boredom is a pretty moderate form of unpleasantness, so it's the perfect place to practice and build these new relationships.Life suddenly gets very boring. Nothing to do, nowhere to go. But remember, boredom is restlessness. It's wanting something to be different. So let that go too. What's left? Well, I'll leave it to you to enjoy. Really, it is what it is, which is what- is said. back there at the burning bush, and wise people have said around foliage for thousands of years. Tibetan Buddhist texts speak of this state as "old man, basking in the sun" because it's just vast awareness, with no agenda. It's where you go when you get bored, more bored, and then finally allow yourself to get so bored that you don't want anything other than this lovely blissful boredom, peaceful, quiet, radiant awareness, mirror-like mind, gazing, gaping, just hanging there, doing nothing, non-seeking, non-desiring.
And from naked awareness flows a natural loving-kindness, more genuine than anything cultivated by oughts and shoulds. Helping others, and other beings, becomes natural; this is not narcissism, after all, since self-centered desires are precisely those which are surrendered. Sounds resonate. Nature vibrates. Even the mechanical dystopias of modern society are somehow, mysteriously fascinating. Boredom liberates.