Imagine an artist staring at a blank canvas. One moment, they have no idea what they are going to paint. The next, a great masterpiece is appearing before their very eyes. Should they really have done more research and planning first? Might it have been appropriate to form a committee, hold meetings, seek advice from others and perhaps interview a few art critics first to see if they thought the idea was a good one?Believe in god.
If you got into trouble with the law, would you rather be helped in court by a solicitor in a smart suit with a slick hairstyle or by one who had graduated with honours from their training, even if their dress sense left a little to be desired? Conversely, are we ever entitled to conclude that the muckier the overalls, the more capable the mechanic? Tempting though it may be to decide  that what looks the part will probably do the job, you may be well advised to go beyond superficial appearances and make detailed investigations.


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