This is life which has many ups and downs.There are times when you are up in the sky and down to dumps too!
You are no alone who has the feeling of loneliness,there are many others like you.
specially when you move from one stage to other and changed your interest or job. Go out and find something new, create new interests or go to a party or gathering for a change but donot expect anything from others.
Go  for a walk,meet new people or read something,watch a movie-do something to divert your mind.Create something new,you will feel better. Busy self in religious or social activities.. Have tea or something out,do not over think what people would think..Nobody has extra time or hobby to watch what are you doing. Try to connect people you like. It is your life and your duty to self so o the best what you can do for yourself
But do not indulge self in drinking or gambling. Which is like moving round in circles.
Simple tips:- Talk less listen more,this will deepen your relations.
Do not wait for the people to reach you,provide others enjoyable company,do not be critical in your conversations. Be complimentary.
Share you thoughts and experiences. Loneliness is when you are feeling.
There is nothing wrong if you are alone,enjoy time when you are with nobody as we give most of time to others.Learn  to do something new as dance,cooking,writing or music. You will meet new people everywhere.Adjust self in new environment,adopt yoga or do exercise,it is creative outlet for your feelings, so learn to turn your loneliness into solitude or something new. Life is beautiful,channel your energy in positive direction,nourishing your capabilities to create something new untouched and beautiful.


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