Our journey is from birth to death-where we experience many things.Hell or heaven both have same conditions by the difference is of attitude,which changes whole scene. Anger create hell whereas understanding turn hell into new insights. Our mind open up and new avenues visible which were impossible when mind is heated.
When people are attracted to  extenal surrounding in which one has no freedom of action,man automatically attracted to things,make effort to get them,be happy when get the desired goal or things but  happiness vanished soon.
Humans feel trapped in one's circumstances,dominated by anger,hatred and frustrations. Restlessness is resulted and sometime he tries to end his life as he finds difficult to escape from present conditions. Since conditions are self-perpetuating with intense suffering and aggression feeding each other ,still people try to make efforts to rise above this state  in daily life.
Hunger is not lack of food,its all about possessiveness,a deep desire to have name,fame and power-wealth or pleasure. In this state one prey on weaker beings for personal gain, and try to attract the stronger beings. Arrogance when one is dominated by selfish ego,competitiveness and jealousy and need to be superior.
But Spiritual being  has the discriminating awareness and thinking mind.Though heaven is a condition when one's desires are fulfilled but it is short live. But the joy one have by self improvement and teachings- observation and efforts of self and concentrating on enlightenment.He also devotes oneself to relieving the sufferings of others through compassionate actions and helping others.
In short setting mind to a point where all of our needs are met at proper time by universal power. If not we do not grieved for lacking or loss or sufferings. All is well when we trust God fully and a fountain ever new joy showered within.


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