We were talking about GOD- whether the gods are smiling,There are, of course, some pretty big suppositions in such statements. If such deities exist, do they ever actually even smile? What if they also frown? Isn't it better to have a god with a neutral expression than one who has been upset?Here's all you need to know. You have upset no supernatural entities, nor are you in any danger of doing this. But you can definitely expect a lot of cosmic support and assistance if you really need it. As arrival of enjoyment and the answer you have been looking for are due for you,and the answer lies in your questions,yes you can it make fit for you! Life gives us all such experiences from time to time. How easy is it to accept these with grace and patience? That depends on how needy- we are feeling. Knowing that there's something in your future won't stop you from needing refreshment right now. But it may make it easier to put up with the frustration. No matter what seems wrong, or ridiculous.
People who often get it wrong tend to have a character trait in common. They are unwilling to concede that perhaps, they have made a mistake. You might think that this helps them become more successful. Temporarily, it may. But sooner or later, misplaced confidence has a way of revealing itself. Whereas the doubtful, the uncertain and the cautious, while they don't instantly attract quite as many fans and followers, have a better track record when it comes to results! Keep that in mind. 
Extroverts like attention. Introverts prefer to be ignored. Somewhere in the middle are the rest of us, who neither want applause nor abuse but would happily settle, once in awhile  for a little respect! We should stop a moment, as we enter this weekend, to think about the respect you already deserve for recent decisions, bravely made, and generous gestures, rightly executed. If you keep on being quite so smart, as big-hearted and as intuitively accurate.'We always knew that he was destined for greatness...' That's what the folk from down the street say when the guy from the block makes it on to the top national TV talent show. Or 'We always thought there was something wrong about them...' as it turns out that the other neighbour now stands accused of the crime of the century. In reality, none of us ever truly knows who we're dealing with, who is on our doorstep or how close we may be to something amazing!Your  surprises will be pleasant.


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