We are all, to some extent, self-centred. How can we not be? Even if we make a conscious effort to see things from other people's point of view, to empathise with the feelings of those around us and to care deeply about the well-being others, we still see the world, first and foremost, as it appears to us through our own eyes. But in at least striving to understand what may be happening in someone else's head and heart, we don't just improve our relationships; we improve ourselves. Great sensitivity is called for now to command respect and to inspire loyalty, not because others are surprised to discover this quality within you but because it often surprises you when you remember that it exists! You tend to see yourself as much more vulnerable and at least as willing to take direction as to give it. But you have real strength and there are times when that can prove to be a magnificent asset. You will make some wise and powerful moves in life when you have self confidence.
If you really stop to think about what you might be able to attain, you will soon become overwhelmed. That's one good reason why so many people deliberately limit their imaginations. They don't allow themselves to explore too many exciting ideas because all that inspiration creates a somewhat daunting sense of choice. Choice, in turn, creates concern. What if you pick this instead of that? What if you later regret it? But you can't keep opportunity at bay just because it seems scary. Think braver thoughts. Mind reading is helpful in avoiding irrelevant situations,for when there is choice to whom you would like to talk and avoiding the rest of people. But don't underestimate the miracles that you are capable of, These may yet prove particularly impressive.


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