How hard is it to reach an understanding? It isn't hard at all, as long as that understanding is neither detailed, nor clear. When two people are happy enough just to assume that they have reached an accord, and provided they don't subject this to too much scrutiny, they can happily imagine themselves to be in a state of complete, mutual, agreement. How else do we explain the great divide that has inexplicably sprung up between you and someone? It can only be bridged if you now show patience, not exasperation.There is a big difference between an explanation and a justification. Too often, we forget this. We think that an explanation is a justification. We feel that if we can say why we have done something, we cannot be accused of having done the wrong thing. And if someone queries our explanation, we feel, somehow, that they are attacking our justification. Nothing contributes to such a syndrome quite so dramatically as a defensive frame of mind. But what reason do you now have to be defensive? Don't explain, don't justify, just relax.  
Should we trust our gut instincts? Or should we mull things over and see how we feel, once we have taken time to reflect on a sensitive matter? You may discover that, the more you think, the more sure you become about your initial reaction. But sometimes, we have one response when we first come across a piece of information and a very different one after we have digested this. Continued contemplation may take you to no different destination than the one you recently seemed to have reached'.
Scientists may be able to determine the eventual fate of the cosmos as they probe the properties of the Higgs boson. A concept known as vacuum instability could result... in a new universe opening up in the present one and replacing it.' So says Jonathan Amos from the BBC. So there you go. Something else to worry about. Forget your finances and the emotional dramas that are unfolding around you, everything could be about to change. Take care to avoid Higgs bosons wherever possible today. Avoid worrying, too..What do you gain from helping someone else? A sense of satisfaction. A feeling of of merit. Possibly even an experience of righteous pride. Just look how good you are. You didn't have to be of assistance but you made a generous gesture and it is now being much appreciated. That's not the only reason for stepping out of your comfort zone and making a constructive contribution today. It is just one good reason amongst many. Such an action will yet lead to, even if only indirectly, a degree of reciprocity.How bad do we sometimes feel when we realise that we have completely forgotten to do something. 'How could that have slipped our mind?' We get so caught up in a flurry of guilt that we forget to consider the possibility that perhaps, our instinct was stronger than our intellect. There may have been an excellent reason why we never did what we were supposed to do. It may not have needed doing! No matter what you have put off or are putting off even now, be open to the idea that there is absolutely nothing wrong.
We have many mechanisms to help us cope with too much choice. We may decide that we like only one brand or colour. Or that we won't ever select anything that has a particular letter of the alphabet in its name. It doesn't really matter how reasonable our preferences are. The important thing is that these stop us from being overwhelmed by the sheer number of alternatives that might otherwise swamp us. But might you now be ruling out something that you ought to rule in? Take another look at a preference, just in case.We have many mechanisms to help us cope with too much choice. We may decide that we like only one brand or colour. Or that we won't ever select anything that has a particular letter of the alphabet in its name. It doesn't really matter how reasonable our preferences are. The important thing is that these stop us from being overwhelmed by the sheer number of alternatives that might otherwise swamp us. But might you now be ruling out something that you ought to rule in? Take another look at a preference, just in caseIs there something that you wish someone else didn't know? But do you somehow suspect that, actually, they do know it? Then, what is the point in hiding it from them? Better to accept the truth of the situation than to make some futile attempt to live out a pretence. Yet at the same time, surrendering to the inevitable doesn't oblige you to supply even more information. Be careful , between how you tread the fine line between honesty and candour and err just on the right side of diplomacy when making vital choices..Back in Hollywood's golden age, heroes' hats were white, and villains' hats were black. The good guys were clean-shaven. The ruffians, bearded. Necklines defined the moral character of female characters. Thus we all knew who to cheer for and who to boo.
 Why can't the world still be simple? All we know now is that we can't automatically trust the figures and institutions who once represented the epitome of integrity. Just to be clear, today, you're on the side of the angels. And, as you'll soon see, the angels are on your side too.They say that, 'To err is human and to forgive is divine.' We have all heard them say it. We may have even said it ourselves on occasion. But then, ask the simple question, 'are you human or are you divine?' and most of us naturally and immediately reply, 'human'. We don't really see ourselves as divine, thus we imagine ourselves to be in the business of erring, not forgiving.  But a part of you is divine. Deeply, irrevocably, intrinsically so. In deference to that glorious part of your own nature, try to be more forgiving,  truly at exceptional times in an unusually powerful position to attain important objectives. Stay calm and take positive notes even if something goes wrong. Remember  whatever you have you have worked hard for it and by working hard you deserve what you have! Just stay busy in doing your work with energy and enjoy whatever you are doing.


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