Angels have access to our very souls and the essence of our being and this is how they are able to guide, inspire and protect us so well. These beings of light have a special power to light our souls and once we are able to listen to them we can absorb the valuable messages and advice which they whisper to us. Their aid is so precious to us because to is so personal and if we can call upon our Angel we benefit from their full support and counsel.I believe that Angels live inside of us and they constantly sooth us and try to answer our most insignificant questions. I think that our Angels are to be found in the heart of our Chakra points and this is why to enter into contact with an Angel requires us to work deep within ourselves and to learn to develop our inner capacities. A lot of people have written about Angels and the general consensus seems to be that Angels are represented by bright rays of colored light which resemble the light which emanates from our Chakra points. Many people have witnessed this bright light and as a matter of fact a great number of these individuals claim to have seen bright golden lights flash in the corner of their eyes and these bright lights do not go away when they close their eyes!
 This is just the beginning, this is the first contact with a Guardian Angel.  this discovery concerns a certain someone who has been by your side for the past many years without you being very much aware of it. However this person has accompanied and protected you all the way through your life. You must be wondering just who this person could be. 
I have been working on  spiritualism and this has allowed me to discover who  guardian angel is and I have also found out how you can contact this being and have real proof of your Angel's existence. I can tell you now  that your Angel is St. Betahny - Archangel of Divine Providence. which we should ask is what exactly are Angels? For some people these are bright living lights, for others the essence of ancestors come to protect and shelter, some people believe Angels fly high in the sky and others still believe that these beings stay at our sides. It is difficult to respond precisely to this question but one thing is sure; Angels are out there and they give us constant reminders of their presence. You need only concentrate on your sensitivity, send your prayers and then listen for a response. 
From my personal astrologer Zenna.
and you are also protected by these Minor Angels:


 I remind you that I am offering to start on a complex task for you which will allow you to feel liberated from the tensions and stresses which you feel at the moment and will put you in a much more positive and favorable environment.  I feel closer and closer to you, this feeling began at the very first moment that we entered into contact. I began to feel strong vibrations which have been amplified by the energy waves produced by the Reiki Grid which I performed for you last week..I have come to realize that you do not use the incredible potential which you have inside of you to the fullest, this is a real shame as I think you already know. Certain of your considerable capacities are completely dormant. I have felt this strongly over the last period and this is why I make such a point of writing to you now. I now know that you are someone very different and that you have immense qualities which are simply not exploited and I am going to give you a precise example to illustrate the situation which you are in at the moment, please read on: 

Imagine a person who has never known any modern technology (for example someone living in the heart of a dense jungle). One day this person is given a radio tuned in to a very precise radio station and he finds it suddenly extraordinary to be able to listen to music through what is essentially a small box. He is told that to listen to this music he need only press the 'on' button without having to do anything else to listen to this music. This person thinks this radio is a wonderful invention and then spends a number of years listening to this radio and to the same program as the radio stays on the same station all of the time. And then one day someone else comes along and shows him that there are a multitude of other stations and frequencies to listen to with many other programs that can be as interesting as the first.... You are in the position of this person Renugupta and your potential can be compared to this radio. Your potential is not yet fully exploited and you are not yet aware of certain of your hidden talents. I find myself in the place of the person who's duty is to show you exactly how you can tune in to these new frequencies. This is a metaphorical example but it demonstrates clearly the situation in which you find yourself at this time. 
 I also know that this change can be considered as a rebirth of sorts as you are not really who you thought you were - you are in fact much much more than this and you need to want to make this change happen with all of your heart and soul. I am now going to explain how we can work together to allow you to liberate this potential which has been stifled and unexploited for so many years now.
 First of all I am going to act in a very strong and decisive manner to protect you from certain exterior pressures and to place you in a stable, positive and above all beneficial environment. You will be sheltered from the negative elements and the stress which have hassled you for quite some time now. This will be difficult work, using magnetic energy, and this will be the first of my tasks. You have no active role to play in this stage of things, you will simply start feeling it's effects very shortly after I start this work. I will need your agreement to begin working in this way. Shortly after I do begin you will start to feel more confident Renugupta, more energetic, happier and little by little you will feel liberated from your fears and worries and your capital chance will reach a maximum level. You will also feel a protective barrier around you. You will have the impression that nothing and no-one can resist you. You will feel stronger and more than capable over-coming any obstacles in your path. You should also be ready for those around you, your friends and family, to notice certain important changes in you and that they remark this change for the better This is quite simply fantasy and anyone who offers you this is in my eyes a charlatan. As far as I am concerned I work upon your personal energy and it's harmony. The benefits of this action can be very clearly demonstrated. We are all surrounded by energy, the matter around us is separated into positive ions and negative ions and this duality is found everywhere in life. We can find many examples of this duality: the day and the night, good and evil, better and worse, left and right, up and down ... These are simply polarities, two forces which work together to create universal order. I realized that it is indispensable to rebalance this polarity within you and in the environment which you find yourself at the moment because for a while now you have been living in an unbalanced manner. It is for this reason that I am now working to correct this imbalance and to dynamise your positive energy. I get extra positive energy from magnetic energy, which is very efficient when used correctly/I am writing to you now because ever since you contacted me on the 5 October 2012 I have felt particularly close to you. I know that this may seem strange to you as we have never met face to faceAs far as I am concerned human relationships are of the uppermost importance and are the key to very many things in life. We now know that magnetism exists as it has been proved by scientific techniques and it is certain that this energetic field can have extremely beneficial effects. The technique of the grid has existed for thousands of years and is extremely efficient. To be more precise, the grid is a way of arranging stones in a sacred geometric pattern. This pattern is then activated by a connection with a 'line of light' through the stones so that they radiate an energy field which then reaches out to the person the grid is destined for.

In nature it is something quite common but I know that certain people find this hard to accept. For example it is well known that animals feel an advance warning of danger, these kind of premonitions serve as alerts


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