This body moves with the power,that power is part of God. All comes from god. So some devote their lives to seek and serve him. Such person has no personal belongings yet his all needs are met by God.This is faith of devotee. And there is a law by which god directly supports that devotee who depends upon him.
For example one has millions  in bank and enough food and comforts all around him but suddenly his heart stop working then what is the use of all wealth  and comforts?
Be happy and carefree for God is always there to look after us,but it does not mean that you sit doing nothing only waiting for food and other things to come from heaven. You may have seen many people roaming here and there,begging-they are not yogi who are seeking god. Such type of people are time wasters only.They not only waster their precious time-they are wasting this precious body which is gift of god  to enjoy worldly charms. We have to pay our share of contribution for using this earth and our contribution is to care for fellow human being too! Use all but also saving and preserving for generations to come.
Once a great saint had given up his riches and comforts for seeking god and when one of his follower praised for his renunciation,he replied that he has done nothing special but renounce small desires for greatest that is God. Few comforts for endless bliss!
No duty can be performed without the power borrowed from god. So nourish the desire for god and god promise HE will guide you always. Test yourself. While in the world perform worldly duties, but mind and heart seeking god deep in the heart. When the compass of your heart is directed towards god then there will be left no other desire -only love of god.


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