Tackling one issue at a time until you can make sense of everything. If approached in the right way, all that is happening will prove good for you but that means setting out on a journey, taking one step at a time. 
You and I may love novelty but we are very much creatures of habit. Innovation excites us, but we treasure tradition. We value independence, yet we crave commitment. Still, if we were not all a mass of contradiction, life would be dull. Does what you are doing now make sense? Well, whoever said that life was supposed to make sense? Life must always have room for fun and spontaneity, if it is to have meaning. Allow yourself that freedom and claim your entitlement to happiness.
With each passing day you are finding it easier to be impartial and objective. You are no longer so anxious, so apprehensive or so prone to misreading signs and signals. You can see, much more clearly, what's going on. Some people say that it can't harm to get a second opinion. But if your judgement is accurate and that second opinion causes you to discount it, it could be most detrimental. 


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