Some people believe in the 'school of hard knocks'. They figure that nobody ever really learns a lesson until they have first met the consequences of doing things the wrong way. But we are all, to some extent at least, open to suggestion. We trust others to share the benefit of their experience with us. When people make constructive suggestions, we are grateful for their input and we do what we can to apply their advice.  You are feeling as if there is only one way to proceed - as if you have no choice. Yet you would rather like to feel that an option was open to you. You are not entirely enamoured with the story as it is unfolding. Let it unfold a little further. You will see another viewpoint and your penny will land right side up!Why are things as they are? How have they got this way? Shouldn't they be different? You have the power and the chance to create change. Life now allows you to ring in the new, but before you alter everything you may just want to think a little harder about what was so wrong with the old. It is always easier to find fault with something that already exists.


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