You were born an original do not die as copy. But we tend to copy and refuse to accept our originality. We are not satisfied with what we are. Upgrading is not bad but dissatisfaction is something different than upgrading. We were born unique. We are made in image of god. We knew our powers but focus on weaknesses this is the main reason of our problems which are created by self. Never ready to accept the responsibility of our actions.This is human nature. The more fault we find,the more faults we find there is to find. The more blessing we count,the more those blessings start to mean us,this is a good reason to focus on the upside of everything.
We are on a journey and this is continue births after births.So we carry forward our Sanskars of past  lives,Planets,atmosphere do effect us what is being told to us by predictions of astrologers  Astrologers make predictions to warn us and warning are helpful, not to threaten you,those are informations which are given to you to help you,to prepare yourself for future. Nature does not like to be hurried. Whenever we yarn for the ability to accelerate a process that has been dragging on too long and it happen when we are under constant pressure. Pressures we dare not to ignore. Still it is dependent on our free will how we choose the events.Astrology is a science,religion is a science and both have positive effects on our lives.One can change destiny by strong will,though outer circumstances may not be favourable for us.As weather forecasting warn us of thunders,heavy rains or snowfalls. If we have something urgent to do we won't bother about these,we do what we have to do.
We have body reaction when weather changes,some cannot bear cold and some react to hot days. Everything is for us and we are not for things,we waste our energy deplete our energy in futile thoughts. We plant a seed and want it to be a tree soon,even instantly,which is not possible. Plants put down roots at their own speed,though sometimes we may get a good crop  by luck or by way of hard work .We are powerful,know your divinity and divine connection.Use strong will to win the battle of life. Problems,adversity or influence of other people won't bother you if you have strong will power,you would be winner. 


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