We never want to be reminded of awkward truths. Yet we feel obliged to think about these issues. Isn't to ignore them, to live in a state of denial? Only slowly, do we discover that when we let our attention wander and all but forget about whatever has been upsetting us, the world doesn't end. It is, indeed, amazing how long we can banish a worrying situation from our mind without making it any worse.
We can't all be at our best all the time. We have to have our ups and downs, our highs and lows, or good moments and our not-so-good moments. Not only must we take the rough with the smooth, we must try not to apply favouritism towards the one and criticism towards the other. If everything was always smooth, life would be dull. And if we could only learn to love the rough (or at least be slightly more forgiving of it) how much lighter might our load be?


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