You have become used to an uncomfortable climate. Overpowering experiences have caused you to expect difficulty at almost every turn and, though recently things have begun to look up, you have come to the conclusion that you should continue to be wary of trouble. You have made psychological provision for this, creating various personal defence mechanisms.Of course you want to be free. Yet what else do you want? Security? Comfort? Companionship? To enjoy any of these advantages it is necessary to sacrifice a little liberty. Routine comes at the expense of spontaneity. Relationship comes at the expense of independence. Life is a balancing act and we are all pivotal points (if things are calm) or desperate jugglers (if things are not). Right now, you are trying to reconcile what appear to be several mutually exclusive needs. Relax, it's not as big deal as you fear.
It's time to remember that you are not some small cog in a giant machine. You are important. You are entitled to trust your own judgement. You don't have to worry about how you might get into trouble Try at least one other option. Take the recommendation of someone whose judgement is usually good. You now feel daunted by the prospect of too much freedom and choice. Don't be. Amongst the many alternatives on offer to you now, one is well worth taking. Whenever you feel like stagnate water-feel fresh by meditating upon the subject intuitively.


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