
Showing posts from 2018

Impressing words and quotes

At the end of life I understand some facts as - Be in moment- all guru insist on this, actually we are already in a moment. Its just a play of words to impress beginners. Be awaken- we are already awakened only need to realize the fact and the moment we realized this fact we become alert and alter person never lose any game. Take charge of mind as mind has reserves of memories. We can use mind as a powerful tool, all is mind game! Next is doing one thing at a time, why when mind is a phenomenal multidimensional machine capable of handling several levels of activities at once. Most important is positive thinking- how one can think positive when so many distractions are there. It is over simplified and used as a quick solution for all, sugar coating your realities Positive thinking is possible when you are calm and settle. When you have real time information and control your psychological drama. Next tomorrow:  
The 7th century Moer Buddhist Pagoda lies in the desert south of Artush near Kashgar, Xinjiang, China.


     Go out and enjoy each day. We don't always get the pleasure to go out and do the things we would like.   medical decisions have to be made quickly or under pressure. When the stakes are high – life and death.    even – it could be scary to think you might make the wrong decision even if there is no clear ‘right’ one.  Why  some decisions easy, and others hard? How do you know who or what to trust? In retrospect, did you feel you made the right choice, or would you have chosen differently? Could you have chosen differently? 


If you want to get a nice and clean face, all you need is two crushed aspirin tablets mixed with some lemon juice and baking soda. Mix until you get a paste. Massage your face with circular motions, and let it stay for twenty minutes.  Two crushed aspirin tablets mixed with some lemon juice and baking soda. Mix until you get a paste. Massage your face with circular motions, and let it stay for twenty minutes. Goodbye ageing uses -two crushed aspirin, mix it with water, use it twice in a week. Use apple cider vinegar and two aspirins to form a paste. Massage your face with the paste. Do this two times per week. No one likes dandruff. It is not nice having a dry scalp, but now you can fix this by adding two aspirin tablets in your shampoo. When you apply the shampoo on your hair, let it stay for five minutes. After that, wash it well with water. Do it three times per week for a month.  
  4m Madagascar Baobab.
You can give work, in fact, life itself, your best shot.A phase when the depths of tenderness and caring within you bubble up to the surface.
Padar Island,Indonesia


   केदार नाथ सिंह की एक कविता : *स्त्रियां जब चली जाती हैं* स्त्रियां अक्सर कहीं नहीं जातीं साथ रहती हैं पास रहती हैं जब भी जाती हैं कहीं तो आधी ही जाती हैं शेष घर मे ही रहती हैं लौटते ही पूर्ण कर देती हैं घर पूर्ण कर देती हैं हवा, माहौल, आसपड़ोस स्त्रियां जब भी जाती हैं लौट लौट आती हैं लौट आती स्त्रियां बेहद सुखद लगती हैं सुंदर दिखती हैं प्रिय लगती हैं स्त्रियां जब चली जाती हैं दूर जब लौट नहीं पातीं घर के प्रत्येक कोने में तब चुप्पी होती है बर्तन बाल्टियां बिस्तर चादर नहाते नहीं मकड़ियां छतों पर लटकती ऊंघती हैं कान में मच्छर बजबजाते हैं देहरी हर आने वालों के कदम सूंघती है स्त्रियां जब चली जाती हैं ना लौटने के लिए रसोई टुकुर टुकुर देखती है फ्रिज में पड़ा दूध मक्खन घी फल सब्जियां एक दूसरे से बतियाते नहीं वाशिंग मशीन में ठूँस कर रख दिये गए कपड़े गर्दन निकालते हैं बाहर और फिर खुद ही दुबक-सिमट जाते हैँ मशीन के भीतर स्त्रियां जब चली जाती हैं कि जाना ही सत्य है तब ही बोध होता है कि स्त्री कौन होती है कि जरूरी क्यों होता ह...
Canterbury. ..Kent. .England Aragon. ..Spain Venice, Italy ....