
Showing posts from November, 2015

Does it make you a fool?

It takes all sorts to make a world. You are aware of this because you have seen what all those other sorts do. The trouble they get into, the conflict they create and the amount of help that they need. You are one of the sorts that assist. You are a helper and a healer and you can't suppress your own instinct to supply that kindness. We get excited when we see how much children have grown. 'Isn't he clever, he can do this now.' Or, 'look how she has changed the way she thinks about that.' Yet we seem to think that growing up is something we grow out of! We expect to become resistant to inner change soon after we have stopped adding inches to our height. Yet there is no reason why we can't keep developing and deepening our understanding our whole life long.
Begun to wonder whether too much has been happening at once? You worry lest you can't even pick up the pieces after a recent drama because they have scattered so far and wide. When we think of being lost, we imagine someone being far from home, bewildered about where to turn next. Yet it is possible to have that same disorientating experience when surprisingly close to familiar territory. A little mist can produce that reaction, as can some other combination of circumstances that deceive our senses. Even if you have begun to wonder if you know where you are, where you are going or how you can get to where you need to be- may bring you a compass. WHEN we don't want to think about something, we take a risk. If we push this matter to the back of our mind, will it find its way to the forefront again? Even if we don't care, because we prefer to feel free from the memory, what else might we push aside? R eopen subject, but you need to look at what became attached to that subjec